Snowflake Challenge 2024 | Part 4

Snowflake Challenge promotional banner with image of ice covered tree branches and falling snowflakes on a blue background. Text: Snowflake Challenge January 1-31.

Week 4 of the Snowflake challenge!!


Okay, let’s do this!


Challenge #12

Tell Us about a Personal Win.


Challenge #13

Make a rec list of fanworks!

I haven’t read a lot of fanfic, if any, in the last few years. I barely read fanfic at all because sometimes – most of the times – the writing style doesn’t flow with how my brain works and/or I’m afraid of cross-contamination.

I mean, I could rec Meeko, who’s my writing wifey and occasional partner in crime, but that would be cheating, wouldn’t it? Like me, she’s kinda struggling to get back into writing and I think at this point we’ve both neglected the Snowflake challenge AND our planning spreadsheet so give her a good ol’ kick in the butt for me!

I can’t forget about Nakeisha, she’s the owner of the Gibbs/Ducky community over at livejournal and it was started 19 years ago… well, almost. WAIT, that means I know Nakeisha for almost 19 years! (And Meeko too!). Holy… Anyway, Nakeisha is an awesome writer and I think you should check her out.

(Just because I didn’t mention you, doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate you any less, I just hate reccing people/fanworks for that reason).

Challenge #14

Try something new.

Outside the fannish scope, I saw maybe one or two videos for the new game Palworld and decided to buy it with some birthday money that I received last week. And then I chose to pay for a friend to play too. It’s… bad for my hyperfixation and that’s why I’ve been slacking on things but yes. A lot of fun.

Think of Palworld being a cross between Ark and Pokemon. I never played Pokemon and I absolutely hate survival games, but this is so much fun. This game sold 8 million copies in the first six days of early access and over two million concurrent players on Steam.

This game is addictive and my brain is high on dopamine because everything is so gosh darn cute.

Challenge #15

Fandom Snowflake Challenge’s 2023 Fandom Wrapped!

Your top 5 fandoms for 2023 were: N/A, didn’t participate much in fandom in 2023, and I never really do.

Your top 5 fandom spaces (Discord, Twitter, etc.) in 2023 were: N/A, I barely did anything and I hate social media and I’m bad at updating it. So I guess it was just my discord and the website that was growing weeds and dust bunnies in 2023.

The top 5 things you did to contribute to fandom in 2023 were: Empty promises and a shelved fanfic that I’d been working on for 3 years. Also several attempts to get back into writing.

Your top 5 most appreciated fandom contributions were: N/A

Snowflake Challenge 2024 personal reflections:


So I am NOT SURE if I should have done this challenge, although it was great to get more active in a month and spark some stuff in my brain (until Palworld came knocking), mainly because the last few years have been terrible for me in regards to fandom/writing/etc. Especially keeping up with stuff.

I don’t participate in fandom the way I feel other people do; I no longer am a member of communities on livejournal or dreamwidth after the livejournal fandom exodus and even before that, I wasn’t even a member of a lot. Any fandom challenge falls flat in my brain anyway, prompts are hard when you follow like a bingo or a prompt-a-thon and they often feel repetitive or the same.

Interactions for me are hard, I am SO BAD at keeping up with people and interacting with them as a conversation leader and it often makes me feel lost and alone.

Commenting on some snowflake challenges scared me because I spoke to new people LOL.

I dunno, 2024 is supposed to be the year I get back into writing but as I write this on February 1st, I haven’t even met my personal word goal this month, but I guess I wrote a chapter and a half of a new story, so that’s a win. And maybe 2024 can be the year I participate more in fandom itself.

It’ll be interesting to participate in Snowflake next year and see how things have changed for me.

I’d like to thank all the mods that made this year’s Snowflake Challenge possible; you guys rocked!


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