Am I capable of writing in a singular fandom?

Am I capable of writing in singular fandoms?

Well, yes.

I’ve done so in the past, and I might do it again, but honestly, writing crossovers is so much easier as you get not one world, but two or sometimes even three to work with! You can go so much deeper into the show’s mythologies, making connections and figuring out ways where something in World A technically can’t happen in World B but if you do THIS then it works.

I love taking fandoms, throwing them into a big pot, stir it up and dump the contents out to see what might stick.

Both Meeko and myself started posting NCIS fanfic on the interwebs many years ago, around 2006, followed by an interest in Stargate Atlantis and Stargate SG-1. (Before this I wrote by hand in notebooks but they were all lost when an overzealous neighbor tossed out a box of ‘scrap paper’ to recycle…) I wrote an NCIS/Stargate SG-1 fanfic at some point. We wrote a lot of stories in this fandom, often singular fandom stories, because the source material itself gave us a lot of freedom to write whatever we wanted.

I personally switched gears after stuff happened in the fandom life (friends died who were also writers in the fandoms I was interested in… Susan in 2012, Claire in 2014…) and Meeko introduced me to Twilight, and how it would be a great fandom bicycle and thus, for the last few years we’ve been knocking out our own corner in that particular niche.

I rarely write a singular Twilight fic because I don’t like a lot of things about Twilight, mainly that, to me, the Cullens are abusers, Jacob in a way too, Bella’s… there, and the only normal person in the story would be Billy.

With The Originals both Meeko and I tried to introduce an OC, Myriam, but people got a little frustrated with her so I reverted back to Bella LOL.

With writing crossovers, there’s a lot you miss out on, really. There aren’t a lot of challenges/communities for people like us, especially in the Twilight corner of the fanfiction world. It’s almost as if us crossover folk don’t really exist.

Then again, I’m not that social and tend to stick to my own corner. I rarely read fanfiction myself due to not wanting to be influenced one way or another, or I’ve noticed a lot that someone’s writing doesn’t click in my head so the story becomes frustrating while the story is good. But I try, you know. I do try!

Recently, I’ve started to write more of the original stuff, and seeing as I haven’t written anything really in a fandom for the last 3 years (aside from Kingdom that I’m forcing myself to finish), I don’t know what I’m going to do next. None of these new shows out there are particularly interesting to me.

That being said, I have some ideas for what’s to come, but we’ll see!

My website
My story archive (which extends this website, really…)
Meekobuggy’s stories


  1. Crossovers are FUN. And you know, they always say, write what you’d like to read 🙂

  2. I like to read crossovers, esp Twilight ones for a lot of the reasons that you mentioned. I love yours! 😉

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