More Snowflake Challenge + some loose ends


Jessica, I’m not quite sure which Jessica you are on my facebook or even if you are there, but you left a comment on Deviance with an error in your email address so I’ll answer it here in case you didn’t get anything in your inbox:

Wait that’s it no more?

Technically, yes. I wrote it as a one shot.

However, I couldn’t leave it alone, so there will be a short continuation of this story posted in the first quarter of 2020.

Apparently I quit smoking on January 1st, or actually the evening before that. It wasn’t a conscious decision, nor planned. Just… happened. And I couldn’t be bothered to buy more cigarettes. So maybe a combination. I never planned to quit. But I didn’t smoke a lot to begin with and I was getting more annoyed with it for some reason.

And I’m doing fine without the smoking. It’s only been less than a week, but I feel fine, but I’m sure being tested!

So I was supposed to have an extra driving lesson yesterday because I have my practical exam on Monday. My instructor asked to reschedule until today. Sure. Why not.

I received a message this morning that he couldn’t come because the car had broken down.

I received another message a few hours later that it’s the dynamo in the car (you know, the one that charges the battery when there’s movement) that’s broken.



Snowflake Challenge #3: Pimp Your Favorite Communities, Fests or Challenges!

So, for today’s challenge, I’d like to introduce you to the Snowflake Challenge, and Get Your Words Out. I’m usually not one to take part in challenges or exchanges or fests because I’m usually always writing anyway and writing something different would ruin my flow, sort to speak.

I do, however, like the easy challenges, like the Snowflake Challenge and Get Your Words Out (which I actually re-discovered through the snowflake challenge!)

Quoted from their profile:

The Snowflake Challenge is an annual event to highlight the best parts of Fandom and the people who make it that way. It’s a celebration about all of us and all the creative things we do, all the ways we touch each other and make a difference.

Everyone is welcome, creator or consumer or someone in-between, inhabitants of Twitter, Tumblr, LiveJournal, AO3, Dreamwidth, dA,, Mibba, mailing lists, or whatever platform or media you use.

For more information, and maybe to sign up, click the banner!


I’ve seen this challenge around for a few years now, and decided to participate. I’ve signed up to write 200.000 words this year, which is about the same amount as I wrote last year without the challenge. It’s funny how another challenge (snowflake) made me find this community again.

You can sign up until Jan. 15th.

What is Get Your Words Out? From their profile:

We are a group of writers aiming to increase our writing productivity in the year 2019. It’s often too easy to let writing fall to the side, and to later regret the words we never wrote. We offer ten challenging pledge levels for those who are serious about increasing their word count or writing habit over the year.

So, basically, it’s like Nano, but then for the entire year, and in a fun environment to boot.

[img: notebook paper with “GYWO 2020” printed in large black
letters with a blue shadow. under that, “writing decathlon” in
handwritten black letters with an orange shadow.]
GetYourWordsOut: Year Twelve!
Pledges & Requirements |
Why did I sign up for this? Well… I don’t know, maybe it’ll be a different way of writing, there will be plenty of fun things in the community and everyone is raving about this community so, why not give it a shot? They even provide a fancy word count tracker that I’m in love with. It’s so intricate!


I want to wish you all a lovely week ahead!




  1. I am enjoying myself, I missed the fandom/writing community over at dreamwidth/livejournal and I already made a new friend haha

  2. Hope the new writing challenge works out for inspiration….. 🙂

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