I’m still here!

The usual excuse: GTA V (FIVEM) is eating me alive and yes.

But I’m still here.

Unfortunately, for the time being, updates on Kingdom are on HOLD. Why? Well, I have enough chapters so far but I need to find the writing spirit again, but thank you for being so excited for it!

Now, it doesn’t mean that I have stopped writing or telling stories. No.

I’ve been telling stories on a FiveM server called USARRP for the last 10 months and last week, my character got murdered and wow, that was hard. Lizzie Cunningham was an EMS at first, a psychiatrist, and then became a cop. There was a lot of paperwork involved, and I wrote up her story in sort of diary form. Would you guys be interested into reading that? Let me know! I’ll even try to add pictures and clips so you can visualize shit!



  1. Good to hear from you! Hugs to you!

  2. I would absolutely love to read your new story. Glad you are doing good. Take care yourself.

  3. Well, dealing with a curveball after doing something so creative seems a fair price to pay.
    I’m just reading (even though FFN is down as usual) and occasionally getting lost in Twitter world.
    Be safe. 🙂

  4. It’s quite special to ‘roleplay’, with various of people. Just when you have things figured out for yourself, other people throw in a curveball. Lizzie’s story wasn’t finished, nor ended, but then there’s that curveball…

  5. good to hear from you…. 🙂 Glad you are doing well.
    Looking forward to Kingdom.
    Your new project seems really intricate and even harder (can’t imagine this) than writing alone. I would take a gander at anything you write, as long as you don’t need anything from me in a timely fashion. LOL
    Take care Buggy.

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