It’s just an intermission.

Here’s just a message to inform you that you can still donate to the 4 charities of FANDOM FOR MENTAL HEALTH. For a minimum of 10 USD, you will get a compilation of a shitload of stories in May. Here’s how it works.

I’ve written a Kol/Bella friendship story, with potential for more in a sequel (did I really say that?). 10.289 words. Yeah, that’s right. It’s called Intermission and the banner was made for me by my friend Quel.


Here’s the teaser as posted on the FFMH website:

The Ancestors worked a little bit as some sort of hive mind. She had long learned how to ‘tune out’, but she thought it would be wise to tune back in. Not that Kol needed a savior, no, he liked getting beaten up, she figured as much, but because should the Ancestors do anything to hurt the shunned witch that came to visit him, Bella could do something about it. Or try to, at least.

She had to scrape Kol up from the floor of St. Anne’s, and brought him back home where he could recuperate. Thanks to her goats, chickens and pigs, the other witches didn’t like to come to her place and Kol would be semi-safe. Unless he’d piss her off, then he’d have a problem. Bella pushed him onto the couch and lit a fire before leaving him to find him some alcohol to drink. He looked defeated and worried, and she didn’t particularly liked that look on his face. It always meant that there was going to be trouble. For who? It was likely to be for all of them.

“I have to admit,” Bella said as she handed Kol the bottle of bourbon. “She’s a crafty little witch, isn’t she?”

Kol sighed as he opened the bottle and took a swig. “It was great to see her again, she doesn’t even mind this face, how great is that!” He laughed and shook his head. “No one can resist this handsome face.”

“I can,” Bella countered with a flat tone of voice as she sat down in one of the arm chairs. “It has never been a problem to resist you.”

“So you keep saying,” he winked at her. “She came down here to tell me that she found a spell to bring me back and wanted me to look it over. Davina knew I was lying when I said it was a fake.”

“But hey, that’s great, she found a way to bring you back!”

Sighing again, he took another swig of the alcohol. “It’s a Strix spell. Now, back in the old days, my brother Elijah set up a secret society of the world’s greatest minds – all vampires, of course – and they’re a bunch of dicks. They have their own coven and they’re dangerous. The Strix andthose witches. I don’t want her to be involved in that.”

“And let me guess… she won’t back down because she wants to bring you back?”

“Exactly and there’s nothing I can do about it.”

Bella shrugged. “Just let it happen and then protect her when you’re out. Help her then. Kill the coven and satisfy your bloodlust. It’s not like you to be so afraid, Kol. Man up.”

Kol snorted. “Fine.”

“Don’t act as if you have a better offer, Kol. You want to return to your family, she’s providing the chance. It’ll be everything you want.”

“And I want you to come back with me.”

“Not this again,” she rolled her eyes at him and relaxed into the chair. She couldn’t wait for him to go away.

Now, if you’ve made a donation, you’ll be able to read this soon. If not, you’ll have to wait until September 20th when we’ll be allowed to post it online 🙂

Now that that story is ‘out of the way’, I can resume working on Beautiful Soul. I have plans. Like… finishing the story so I can start on another story…

Until next time,



  1. Yay that’s awesome!

  2. Good, Buggy! Looking forward to reading it. (I made my donation last night and forwarded my receipt!)

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