
I can’t be the only one who starts writing one thing, and have that thing mutate into something else because other people demanded more and then have it mutate yet again into something… bigger.

This is the case with Missed Connections.

I wrote it as a one shot and then people wanted more. I was a little apprehensive about this, mainly because while it was brilliant that Missed Connections was well-liked, I also knew that the ‘carefree, Freedom lover Bella’ wouldn’t stick around for a bit because I don’t do fluff.

Starting MC was like writing something cracky. Then it turned serious again and I lost a bit of the fun Bella. Now, I hope that I have her back, somewhat, with her new abilities but… my god, it’s now mutated into something that’s growing beyond my control. I’m currently writing chapter 11.

I hardly get to write on Pandore, but maybe that’s a good thing. Pandore is a whole beast on its own and it needs to be treated differently. Approached with caution.

Basically with MC it’s write the fuck I want without paying much attention to detail, really, but that’s not the truth. As I write this, I’m also watching season 4 of Teen Wolf to get some inspiration, some ideas. MC is completely AU and season 4 of Teen Wolf wasn’t one of their best (in my opinion, don’t be offended, I don’t speak for everyone!) but it had some good moments.

This was only supposed to be a one shot, one chapter fic and bunnies just keep on spawning and mutating and nibbling away. So yeah, Missed Connections is a freaking Mutant. As I haven’t planned anything out for this story, I’m curious where it’ll lead me and I’m excited about anyone who reads the story to be on the same journey. It’s awesome and scary because I like to plan things, but I’ve decided to just roll with it and see where I end up. I can always resort to planning it out later 🙂

Since my last blog post, I got a new theme and tweaked it a little but eh. At least the website looks semi decent again *giggles*.

Chapters 2 and 3 of Pandore have posted and as stated earlier, I’ve posted 10 chapters of Missed Connections and I’m currently working on chapter 11.

A couple of days ago, the story broke that Matt Ryan is going to play John Constatine on Arrow for one episode. I was on skype at the time with Meeko and I was seriously making dolphin noises. This news made me so happy because Constatine was a great show and cancelled way too soon but gosh. Constatine and Arrow. This is going to be epic!

Speaking of Meeko, she’s a great wifey. She’s awesome and I love her to bits – which isn’t new news, tbh. Felicia Day’s book “You’re never weird on the internet (almost)” is out this week and Meeko went to the bookstore where she was signing and got me the book! Signed! I can’t wait for it to be in my hands! *more dolphin noises*

Until next time,




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