More snowflakes and a new story!

Hello my lovelies!

First off, let me apologize for not being around so much. I’ve been sucked in the world of GTA V and online roleplay and I’ve been telling stories in a different way. I so haven’t been doing anything else, like writing.

Last week the RP was so intense, I was crying for 2 hours straight. While streaming, and continuing the roleplay.

Last Words

Don’t do this

It’s up to him

Calling it

A moment of silence

And, tonight we have the funeral from 9 pm GMT/3 pm EST You can come watch here.

There’s also funny shit like this

So yeah, hope you can forgive me.

Speaking of stories, two weeks ago, I posted chapter 1 of Courage, a short Bella/Kol story that will have 4 chapters.

I just uploaded chapter two. Click on the banner!

Challenge #10

Talk About A Creator/Someone Who Inspired You.

Oh, this is quite difficult. There are several people who have inspired me as a fanfic writer and all for different reasons.

First of all, I wrote stories offline for years, and only started to post online around 2005. English isn’t my native language and, especially in the beginning, I got smacked around for it in reviews and that’s why most of my early stuff that I posted online has vanished. I’m not one of the most confident people haha, but I learned to have a thicker skin over the years.

But, when my online journey started, I met a lot of people who inspired me to be the best of myself, here’s five of them!

I guess the journey starts with a penpal I picked up through the magazine SFX. Her name was Marion and I was simply in awe of her writing and her skills. The amount of research she did for her stories stuck with me. Unfortunately, she and I lost touch due to my personal circumstances at the time, and I don’t think she ever published the stories she shared with me but oh man, she was amazing. She loved the medieval period, and I remember us meeting and she took me to the HMV in London, to the specialized CD area and she picked up a lot of CDs of medieval sounding music and such. I don’t remember much of that trip, because that was well over 18 years ago!

DarkMirage1/qatmom who showed me that it’s okay to like the ‘bad guy’ in a TV show and make him the ‘good guy’, as ‘bad’ and ‘good’ is just a matter of perspective. She also taught me to be fearless when writing, have a thicker skin. She had several cats, one called Pyewackett and she was working as an engineer. She was also the one sending me VCDs with movies and episodes of TV shows via snail mail to fuel my Mutant X obsession as it wasn’t on air here in my country. She loved strange Japanese movies, too. I kinda lost touch with her due to my personal circumstances and when I wanted to reach out to her, I found out that she, sadly, passed away.

nakeisha was pretty instrumental in my writing, too. She’s become a great friend, and is always supportive, no matter what, and I suppose that kinda rubbed off on me in real life too, I try to be as supportive and kind to others as I can possibly manage and always try to help where I can. Nikki’s Gibbs/Ducky stories and her presence online always were a way for centering myself, to remind myself to have fun whilst writing and eventually became a better writer.

k1mono is actually someone I met in real life a few times over 10 years ago and encouraged the crazy writer in me.

And there’s Meeko. I have so much admiration and appreciation for this woman online and offline, you have no idea. Somehow we found each other on livejournal, wrote some kickass stories together and she managed to pull me out of my writing slump and I haven’t stopped writing ever since. She is my partner in crime, my wifey. She also tells me when my crazy gets away from me and gets me back on track *grin*

 Challenge #11

In your own space, recommend a fannish or creative resource.

I love using google docs. Why? Because that means I can work on my stories everywhere. Especially when I was still traveling back and forth between my house and that of the bf (3 hour train journey) this helped a lot.

Gdocs is also awesome when you’re co-writing on a story, because you can see changes in real time.

Now that I have a better smart phone, I can even use it comfortably on my phone when I’m cooking downstairs.

I work with Scrivener now. I won camp nanowrimo last year and they offered a discount for it. I saw one of my friends use it and holy shit it’s awesome. Not only can I have an instant look on my word count for all the files in the story, but I can also add images for inspiration or reference without having to have an extra tab open and switch to that tab to look at it, because Scrivener is that awesome.

I still upload completed chapters to google docs, though, so that my wifey can read before I ever post anything.

I am thinking about using ProWritingAid, as that works well with Scrivener. It’s cheaper than Grammarly anyway for grammar issues! On the other hand, when I tried ProWritingAid, I think it changed my writing too much. But it’s certainly easier than having the thesaurus open all the time… I’m still thinking about it haha.

I am fortunate that most of the fandoms I write in have great wikia pages.

The Vampire Diaries universe – also has transcripts, and a handy timeline

I used to use Semagic to do some basic html; I still do it for DW/LJ, but now that I have my own website it’s easier to do it there. Semagic allows you to post to LJ, too. That’s what it was built for.

List of synonyms of ‘said’ – very handy.

Fighting words

Body language cheat sheet

References for writing traumatic injuries

Pain scale

(I also seem to have a lot of references to sex writing… anyone interested? LOL)

I like helping people, and I’ve written a few articles on writing. Some are old and I need to revisit but yeah… I like to try my best 🙂 Any ideas on what I could blog about on my website is always welcome 🙂

Anyway, that’s it!

Have a great weekend!



  1. It’s a bit sad that some of the snowflakes were like.. meh, so I’m not doing the last 4.

  2. I feel like I’m getting to really know your writing process with these ‘snowflakes’. Who knows, maybe one of these days I might be brave enough to try and look back on this for some pointers. 🙂

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