Why do I always say ‘whoops’ when…. yeah, never mind.

I always say I need to do better. Instead… I’ve done worse with update posts. My apologies.

Alright, let’s get down to business.

Lagniappe has now been posted/released in FULL. It’s complete. YAY!

3 Chapters of Relativity have been posted, and I absolutely LOVE the responses I’m getting from you guys for this story. I know that you’re used to me uploading every week, but I’ve gotten in a bit of a slum with the story (as it happens) so I’m taking my time. I hope you don’t mind. Considering that the story really is about to kick off in a big way, it’s important I keep the details straight.

However… let’s give you a sneak peek for one of the future chapters…. Which will also sort of reveal why I like that music vid in my previous update post 😉

Chapter 12:

The sun was coming through the trees just a little making it look like… well, any ordinary forest. Kai shoved his hands into his pockets. “I have a confession to make.”

“What’s that?” Bella asked as she finished off the sandwich she was eating.

“I can’t actually do magic. My family tells everyone to stay away from me and I’m basically the black sheep.”


If you’re following me on facebook, you already know that something else is coming. SOON. It’s not a story. But Meeko, myself and another partner-in-crime have been working on this and I’m pretty sure you’ll like this.

What is it?

Oh, fuck it, let’s get the hype started.

Juxtaposition is an RPG (RolePlayingGame) we’ve created and it’s a multiverse. Meaning, you can play whoever you want! Fandom, orignal characters… angels… demons… ANYTHING.

The story: 

Welcome to Jux, Nevada.

A beautiful town in an area of Nevada that nobody ever went to. Green grass, farms, an airport and a handful of mines. Located in a valley surrounded by mountains.

Jux was started by James Cookie in 1903 after he discovered gold. Jux, short for Juxtaposition, as the area severely contrasted itself. James Cookie never understood why the area had previously been untouched, it was a beautiful and secluded area and that also meant that the mountains were his.

As with every mining town, the history is filled with some setbacks.

It was a mystery for the ages…

Between 1905 and 1925 – Countless of deaths in the mine when a mineshaft collapsed.

A fire almost decimated the town in 1920, a few places survived and are still in town to this day, such as the church.

By 1925, the town was abandoned after the gold in the mines disappeared without a trace. There was no explanation, but back in the day they just upped and left.

In 1930 a large group of people arrived in Jux, Nevada and they started to live there. Work there. Rebuild the mining town. Made it a bustling town where everyone seemed to be happy and carefree.

This continued until January 1st, 2030 when a mountaineer witnessed the mass disappearance of the inhabitants of Jux. The mountaineer, Richard Allen, wasn’t believed when he returned to civilization and told the story. After all, nobody went to that area in Nevada, it was an unspoken rule, so why would there be a bustling little town?

The last thing everyone heard of Richard Allen was that he was locked up as he became violent trying to convey his story to people.

Jux didn’t remain empty for long; as soon as the town was cleared of the human inhabitants, new inhabitants were put into Jux, but not just humans, also supernatural beings, ethereal beings, mystical creatures…

And there was no way out…

We’ll open Juxtaposition soon, so keep an eye out!

That’s it for this update post!

Buggy, Out!

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