Here’s a little story…

I have been writing fanfiction and posting it online since… 2002. (According to my account)

Bloody hell!

I also remember the story* I had posted and I know it was disjointed and got flamed for it and that was for nearly every story I posted up there. I didn’t even get flamed for my rotten English, I got flamed for the ideas that I had. I always had crazy ideas and they got accepted on livejournal, so I strayed and stayed there. I had a warm nest of people who supported me. However, over the last few years, nearly everyone has migrated elsewhere and the sense of community is lost.

I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with The place used to be a bottomless pit filled with hate and I’m glad that it has grown up, at least a little. I feel a little bit safer there now. Will I post some of my old stuff there? Probably not. They’re old, they’re in dead or dying fandoms and because some of the stories are OUT THERE.

They’re old shit. 125 fics (solo-written, around 150 if I count collabs) of various fandoms and they’re old shit. But fun. And I still have them up somewhere. And some I’ve already shared here, but the most of them will stay buried forever. Because of my English and poor formatting (oh ouch, that was a lesson or two!).

I have re-posted some of those fics here, and they will probably be joined by others, but I’m not sure yet. I mean, I’ve grown a lot – writing wise – in the last 13 years. My English has improved significantly and my vocabulary has expanded. So I am glad I still have them somewhere, as a reminder of how I started.

But most of my stories have one thing in common: they’re crazily out there and I made it work. That’s what I like to do; write out of the box things. Making people think. Making people become aware of things. Making people visit the dark corners of their own mind while I explore my own.

I like to make my readers cry…

As much as it’s fun, it’s also scary to start from scratch. New fandom. New friends. New… everything. Apart from my wifey Meeko, that is. That will never change.

But it’s like real life. Sometimes you just have to start over with keeping the bits you liked from your old life.

– Buggy

ps: Sanctuaire is so much fun to write. So many possibilities! I’ve uploaded chapter six today. Go give it a read and let me know what you think!


* I still have ALL THE DAMN NOTES of that story and a hard copy of it. It’s offline forever. That’s… cute.

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