The training wheels are off!

I feel really sorry for Meeko lately… but I suppose it’s her own fault…

You see, on February 6th this year I asked on facebook what I should write… fanfic or original fic and she responded with Kol(witch)/Bella. You see, I asked because I didn’t have a solo project going and was a little bit bored.

Sanctuaire was born. I recently uploaded chapter four and I’m currently working on chapter eight so…

I’m amazed by myself though. Although, not really, not quite. I have a habit of obsessing over things. Since I’m writing in two fandoms that I’m not really comfortable in, I’ve been writing with wikipedia pages open and I’m re-watching all the episodes with the Originals in them, even on the Vampire Diaries and I’m taking notes. Especially on Kol. I’m thinking about digging up my Twilight books again and dig in but I think I’d rather watch the movies… but yeah, it’s not just research to me, it’s an obsession.

And I can’t write anything else at the moment either so that’s why I feel sorry for Meeko as I can’t work on our collaborations and that sucks.

Sanctuaire is my most popular solo-fic to date. Since I ever started to post something on or livejournal or where-ever. Meeko and I hit it with our collaborations but solo? Nah. Nope. I can’t. The main reason is because I have never, ever, written anything in a popular fandom. By myself.

I still think that people liking this particular story is a fluke and that it will be over soon – but that’s okay. At least now I know what it feels like to have 2000 views in 3 weeks rather than 8 years… freaking awesome and scary at the same time.

I am grateful though. Because it just shows that I can produce good stuff on my own. I just need to make better decisions on what I’m writing…


  1. I love you too and I’m completely okay with us being in different wavelengths and fandom atm. You know I don’t hold it against you and I have other people to harass to write with 🙂

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