
While I was writing Pandore, Meeko questioned me if I knew what I was doing. If the story was being written in chronological order. To both parts I said ‘yes’. I had constructed a family tree (not new to me, as I made one for Sanctuaire but haven’t posted it yet as it’s not as impressive and extensive) to get my names from. And now I posted the timeline for the story. Dates and all. Oh, and if appropriate, the chapter number in which it happened. Now you can look up your favourite moments and don’t have to look through the story all the time! (As if you did that… pff…)

Click on the banner to take you to the timeline.


And yes, in my last blog post I hinted to a new story. It’s called “Beautiful Soul” and it’ll still be written but… something came up? Yes. I think that’s the best explanation. No, it’s not. Okay, here goes.

I’m a member of Better In Texas, a wonderful fanfiction website run by such a great team and with so many talented writers to go nuts about and read for hours and hours and hours… They’re hosting a Winter Wonderland writing contest and I decided to participate. Meeko reminded me of a plot idea that I had and that I could make it work for the challenge… only to find out that I was going to exceed the maximum word count BY FAR.

So I decided to post it as a one-shot. A very long one-shot. It’s a Twilight/The Originals Crossover, and it’s Bella/Kol. With a healthy dose of Damon Salvatore, too.


BUT! They kept nibbling away and I wrote two more parts to this ‘one-shot’. (Click on the banners)

littlemouse   evil twin

And I’m now writing part 4. The last bit. Then I can continue with “Beautiful Soul”.

While I will also write on a new project that came to me last night, and it’s a project that’s extremely close to one of Meeko’s projects so I had to ask her for permission first and she said ‘yes’, so this is going to be fun.

Also; What’s a hiatus? I don’t know what it means. I had planned a writing/posting hiatus for December but yeah… Hmm… Not going to happen!

Much love,


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